Here are Thomas Trio related articles from over the years.
- June 13 1990 Ad
- Now Magazine Lee's Palace Ad September 13 1990
- Billy Bop's Ad September 17 1990
- The Big Prize: Thomas Trio Wins Canadian Homegrown Contest
- Band Explosion
- City Band in Big Demand On University Circuit - Telegram
- East Coast's Best Music - The Chronicle Herald
- Easiest Thing In The World
- Heard The One...
- HMV Ad
- 2 Small Now Magazine Music Notes
- Magazine Music Note
- National Chart Magazine Cover Feb 1990
- What's On Cover - The Toronto Star August 30 1991
- The Newfoundland Herald August 3 1991
- Thomas' Transcendental Tunes - Imprint September 19 1991
- Network Magazine Sept/Oct 1991
- The Newfoundland Herald November 16 1991
- Skylers
- Thomas Trio Arrives
- The Evening Telegraph October 1 1992
- The Flamingo Promo June 24-26 1993
- Popular St.John's Band Breaking Up 1993
- Poster From Final Show - September 30 1993
- Reunited For Benefit - The Express May 7, 1997
- Return Of The Trio - The Evening Telegram May 16, 1997